Something I care about deeply at The Baby Planner is full transparency and honesty! So I’d like to inform you that some of the links on The Baby Planner blog are affiliate links. This means that if you click on them and purchase the product recommended, I will receive a small commission, at no additional cost to you. I work with Amazon Associates and Share-A-Sale to make this happen.
I do a TON of product research and test out as many products as I personally can and tap into my large network of parents and peers to understand the best products available, their prices, and their value.
Then, when I am writing an article, I check and see if there are affiliate links available for those products or ways I can
partner with the brands that I already know and love.
If there aren’t affiliate links available for my favorite products, I’ll still link to the product I love! I won’t change my recommendations based on if I can make a commission from one product over another.
My goal at The Baby Planner is to always give you honest, real advice that you can trust as you are preparing to become a parent. But please understand that I am doing this as a for-profit business.
Hope this helps and please reach out to me if you have any questions.
Katie Montell,
@2024 The Baby Planner LLC. All Rights Reserved.