Hospital Packing List

It’s hard to believe you are already here! You are starting to think about what it’s going to be like to have your little human in your arms. If you are already preparing to pack a hospital bag then you are so close to the finish line and getting ready to start your new family. Your hospital or birth center will most likely have a lot of things available for you like diapers, wipes, clothing for baby, mesh underwear, pads, a gown, etc. So most of these things on the list are additional items added to make sure you are as comfortable as possible. The beds aren’t comfortable so we recommend bringing your own pillow. The gowns are thin so we recommend your own robe and gown to stay comfy and warm. You might not like the hospital food or the mesh underwear so snacks and leakproof underwear are a good option to have on hand. All of these things may help your experience as you are healing from birth and why they are on this list.

For Mom

  • 1 Robe – something big, soft, comfortable

  • 1 Nightgown – nurses will need easy access to check on you so no pants

  • 2 Pairs of Cozy Socks

  • 1 Going Home Outfit – we recommend whatever your favorite, comfortable outfit was when you were in your 2nd trimester (you will still look about 6-7 months pregnant right after birth so account for that)

  • 1 Nursing Bra (or just go braless!)

  • 1 Nipple Butter

  • 1 Perineal Spray

  • 1 Stool Softener

  • Drinks and Snacks

  • 1 Large Water Bottle - your hospital may give you one as well

  • 1 Cell Phone Charger with an extra-long cord

  • 1 Pillow – your favorite from your bed

  • 1 Blanket

  • Toiletries

  • Entertainment – especially if you are doing an induction – iPad, small Bluetooth speaker, etc.

  • Lactation Consultant Contact Info - go ahead and make an appointment as soon as the baby is born if you are experiencing any difficulties

  • Birth preferences document printed out

  • Optional:

    • Essential Oil Diffuser

    • Battery Operated String Lights or Candles

    • Comfortable Bikini (Waterbirth)

    • 1 Pack of disposable underwear or postpartum underwear – may be more secure/comfortable than the mesh underwear provided by the hospital - some people love the mesh underwear, some people hate it

    • 1 Nursing Pillow

    • 1 Pump

For Baby

  • 1 Going home outfit (recommend zipper footie PJs)

  • 2 Kimono onesies – if you’d like them to wear something different than what the hospital supplies

    • Note: we don’t recommend zipper footies in the hospital since they will most likely be wearing an ankle RFID tracker (so no one steals your baby) and the doctors will need to be able to easily check on them - so the kimono onesie is easier to open to check heart rate, etc.

  • 1 Swaddle – the hospital blankets are smaller than a normal swaddle making it more difficult to swaddle the baby – however skin to skin and snuggle as much as possible!

  • 1 Carseat ready and secure in the car

  • 1 Pediatrician Contact Info

  • The hospital will have diapers and wipes

For Partner

  • Toiletries

  • 2-3 Changes of clothes

  • 1 Pillow and Blanket/Sleeping Bag

  • ID, Wallet, Insurance Card, Car Keys

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Hospital Packing List.png

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